Create Client

Account Information

Business Information

Guarantor Information

Financial Institution Information

This is the account that will be credited and debited.

Customer Information Request

Does your company offer ACH processing?
Which NACHA SEC Codes does your company originate (Complete requested volumes for all that apply)
PPD   ?
CCD   ?
Average Debit Transaction Size ($)
Average Credit Transaction Size ($)
Average Daliy Debit Settlement ($)
Average Daliy Credit Settlement ($)
Peak Daliy Debit Settlement ($)
Peak Daliy Credit Settlement ($)
Returns as a % of Avg. Daliy Debits ($)
Returns as a % of Avg. Daliy Debits (#)
Unauthorized Returns % of Avg. Daliy Debits ($)
Unauthorized Returns % of Avg. Daliy Debits (#)
Previous Year
Year of Date
a. Annual Volumes: What were the transaction volume total dollar amounts, total number of transactions and average amount of ACH debits processed by company?
Total Volume $
Total #
Average Amount $
b. Annual Volumes: What were the transaction volume total dollar amounts, total number of transactions and average amount of ACH credits processed by company?
Total Volume $
Total #
Average Amount $
c. Annual Volumes: What were the total volume of ACH returns what is percentage rate of Returns based on total volume of ACH Payments and what is the actual-loss volume and actual-loss rate percentage?
Return Rate
Actual Loss Rate
d. Does company require merchants/clients to prefund credit payments